
Calgary’s culinary landscape is a melting pot of global flavors, and among these, Asian catering services stand out for their rich diversity and traditional authenticity. As Calgary becomes increasingly cosmopolitan, the demand for varied and authentic Asian cuisine at events and gatherings has risen significantly. From intimate family gatherings to grand corporate events, Asian catering services in Calgary are adding a unique and flavorful twist to every occasion.

ExpatAsia restaurant one of the meat menu offered

Understanding Asian Fusion Catering Services

Asian fusion cuisine is about more than just mixing different Asian dishes. It also involves blending ingredients, techniques, and flavors from across Asia with those from other parts of the world. These fusion of flavors will create something entirely new and exciting to your taste buds. This kind of culinary style is something that is offered to everyone, from adventurous foodies to those new to Asian flavors.

Why Choose Asian Fusion Catering?

Diversity of Flavors: Asian fusion catering like ExpatAsia in Calgary brings a palette of flavors. They can then be tailored to any taste preference, making it an ideal choice for events with diverse guest lists.

Customizability: Given the versatile nature of fusion cuisine, it can be easily customized to accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences, including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.

Visual Appeal: Asian fusion dishes are known for their vibrant presentation, which can add an aesthetic element to your event.

Joel and Jeff Matthews for Asian Catering services in Calgary

Top Asian Catering Services in Calgary

ExpatAsia Catering in Calgary

As a leader in Asian fusion, ExpatAsia catering in Calgary has earned acclaim for its innovative approach to blending Eastern and Western culinary traditions. Their menu features standout dishes such as Korean taco sliders and Thai curry poutine, making them a favorite for events looking to impress with creative and flavorful food.

Fusion Feast

Fusion Feast excels in creating custom menus that reflect the unique fusion concept you envision. Whether integrating Indian spices with traditional Italian pasta or crafting sushi with a twist of Mexican flavors, they ensure every dish is a conversation starter.

Spice Symphony

Spice Symphony offers a unique blend of Southeast Asian and European cuisines, providing dishes like laksa risotto and lemongrass-infused roasted chicken. They are known for their commitment to authentic flavors and innovative combinations.

Jeff Matthews is one of the owners of Expat Asia - Catering Services in Calgary

Planning Your Asian Fusion Menu

Start with the Basics

Begin by selecting core dishes that represent the various Asian cuisines you want to include, then consider how they might be fused with other culinary traditions. For example, consider a sushi roll filled with Mediterranean ingredients like feta cheese and sun-dried tomatoes.

Focus on Balance

Ensure your menu has a balance of flavors and textures. Include spicy, sweet, savory, and tangy elements, as well as a mix of crunchy, soft, and creamy textures to keep the dining experience exciting.

Incorporate Local Ingredients

Incorporating local ingredients not only supports local producers but also adds a fresh and sustainable element to your catering. Discuss with your caterer how local ingredients can be integrated into traditional Asian recipes with a fusion twist.

Questions to Ask Your Caterer

  • What is your experience with Asian fusion cuisine?
  • Can you provide examples of past events where you served fusion dishes?
  • How do you source your ingredients?
  • Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?


Asian fusion catering services offer a flexible and exciting option for any event, blending the rich traditions of Asian cooking with global influences to create a standout dining experience. By choosing a caterer who specializes in fusion cuisine and understanding how to balance and tailor the menu to your needs, you can ensure that your event in Calgary will be both delightful and unforgettable.

Check out our YouTube Channel for more Asian cuisine videos.

ExpatAsia catering services in Calgary doing home catering


1. What defines Asian fusion cuisine?

Asian fusion cuisine involves combining elements from various Asian cultures with those from different culinary traditions around the world, creating innovative and sometimes surprising dishes that are unique and flavorful.

2. Why is Asian catering services popular in Calgary?

Asian fusion is popular because it offers variety and creativity, appealing to a wide range of tastes. It allows for the creation of unique menus that can cater to dietary preferences and allergies, making it ideal for diverse groups of guests.

3. Can Asian catering services be made suitable for vegetarians?

Absolutely! Asian fusion catering can easily be adapted to include a range of vegetarian dishes, using ingredients like tofu, tempeh, and a wide variety of vegetables.

4. How do I choose the right Asian fusion caterer?

Look for a caterer with proven experience in Asian fusion cuisine. Check their reviews, ask for sample menus, and consider a tasting session to ensure their food meets your expectations.

5. What should I consider when planning an Asian fusion menu?

Consider the balance of flavors and textures, ensure there is something for every dietary need, and choose dishes that complement each other. Discuss with your caterer how best to incorporate local and seasonal ingredients.

6. How far in advance should I book an Asian fusion catering service?

It’s best to book as early as possible, especially if your event is during a busy season. Aim for several months in advance to ensure you secure your preferred catering service.

Book Your Innovative Asian Fusion Catering Today!

Infuse your next event with innovative and delicious Asian fusion cuisine. Contact our expert caterers today and let us help you create a menu that dazzles and delights!